Monthly Archives: October 2016

Welcome to Mesopotamia Part 1

They’ve always warned me about the fridges here. Don’t open the fridge barefoot. What? Don’t open the fridge barefoot. Why not? You’ll get an electric shock. I open the fridge. No sparks. Am I supposed to put my shoes on every time I want a drink? Ye…

Things You Learn When You Live In Argentina

If, by virtue of charity or the circumstance of desperation, you ever chance to live a little time in Argentina, you will acquire many exotic new facts. You will learn that it is possible, and economically-advantageous, to walk fifteen large dogs sim…

The 60 Takes You Everywhere

It’s funny how some people have such strong feelings about certain buses, and how there are people whose lives are lived so much on one given bus that said bus becomes such an integral part of the person’s life that it even gets invited to their wedd…